3 Cremation Myths To Put To Rest

People who do not understand a process or procedure make up stories or myths to fill in the missing information. While some of this false information is known to be untrue, other information becomes an accepted myth. Cremation services have long been a victim of some of these myths. Here are a few that you can correct next time someone repeats them. 

Myth: You Never Know Whose Ashes You Are Getting

One of the number one myths is that you may receive someone else's ashes from the crematorium. This is not true. The cremation industry is highly regulated have guidelines outlining what they can and cannot do. One guideline specifically addresses not cremating more than one human body per cremation chamber at a time. 

While the cremains is not identifiable to you, the crematorium has processes and protocols in place ensuring that a family member identifies each body before cremation. Once you or your designee has identified the person, the identity follows the body through the entire process. This identification process ensures the cremains remain identified up until the funeral home returns them to the family. 

Myth: The Bible Speaks Against Cremation

People highly regarded proper burial during biblical times. You see this in archeological digs that unearthed the lengths ancient Egyptians went to preserve their dead. Jewish people often entombed their dead in caves or tombs, and the Bible outlines some of the steps the ancient Hebrews took.

The Bible does not condemn or condone cremation one way or the other. However, several passages mention cremation. The first passage is Samuel 1:31. This passage speaks of the cremation of Saul and his sons after the soldiers recovered their bodies from the wall of Beth Sahn. 

Apostle Paul refers to it in 1 Corinthians 13:3 when he wrote about giving his own body to be burned. But nowhere in the Bible is cremation discouraged or frowned upon.

Myth: Cremation Does Not Allow For Closure

Many people feel that cremation does not allow the families to have adequate closure due to there being nobody present at the funeral or memorial service. It is difficult for some people to accept death, whether a body is present or not. 

If you feel your family needs the body present, you can always choose to have cremation services following a traditional funeral. This service is one of the many cremation options you can choose from. 

Contact a local cremation service, such as the American Cremation Society (Ridgemoor Chapels), to learn more. 
